Why Test?

Exercise testing is for everyone! The best way to identify your physiological profile - a key ingredient to maximizing your training time and fine-tune your nutritional requirements - this process should be accurate, repeatable, and customized to each athlete's objectives. Want the best? Then test! There’s a lot more to be discovered than an “FTP test”.

Furthermore, Anyone can benefit from an evidence-based program, from experienced athletes wanting to achieve peak fitness to non-athletes starting an exercise program to those who exercise recreationally wanting guidance to tidy up their nutrition.

Whether you seek training and nutrition advice, or pacing and performance data, Endurance's exercise testing laboratory (eLab) offers an entirely unique service. In addition to the testing component of a lab visit, an experienced exercise physiologist interprets your results into a customized exercise prescription or training plan.  

eLab has provided gold standard service via exercise testing and coaching with state-of-the-art equipment and science for more than a decade. The experience, knowledge, and care we put into everything--our exercise testing process, creating protocols, and recommendations--is what sets us apart.

Through Endurance’s membership options you can have access to the full spectrum of support for nutrition, exercise, and performance coaching.

This level of experience and professionalism is what has established eLab's highly regarded reputation. In addition to experienced personnel, our high caliber clinical-grade instruments allow us to accurately measure a broad range of variables for more insightful recommendations.


Racing Journal feat. John Borstelmann


Exercise Testing Options